Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Happiness, and how to exploit it!

Happiness is one of those things that each person has their own unique view on what it truly is.  One person might say, smiling, another might say, reading a book, and someone might say alcohol.  Heck, I'm not surprised when people say, "a nice ****!"  interpret that as you will.

One thing is certain however, it feels GOOD!  So good in fact, everyone strives for it in one way or another!  I myself admit to having an addiction to happiness.  I love seeing people smiling and laughing.  Fills me with a certain warmth, like a cup of tea on a Winter's night.

Exploiting happiness is one of life's little pleasures, don't let it go to waste!  Yes, I do hear you saying in your squeeky voices, "but what on earth do you mean?" I will now explain...  There are two major types of exploits when it comes to happiness.  The first being, Self Happiness. Self happiness allows you to do things you would otherwise not be able to do, go on a limb, meet new people, enjoy life!  The second is, Other Happiness, when someone you know is happy, do not drag them down, instead try to absorb their happiness by helping them naturally relieve your stress by, once again, doing things you would not normally do!  Go to parties, excerise, and put your worries away to deal with one at a time!

When in a happy positive mood, only concentrate on one task at a time, this will allow you to enjoy the experience to the full.  Lists, however they do help some work through things without stress, cause stress in others, seeing all of the tasks on a list can stress people out quicker than without one.  I would never recommend list making unless there is only a few things required  to do.  If you do create a list, only reveal one task at a time, this allows your brain to concentrate on one task instead of ending up like road kill on the front of the stress train.

Happiness is a gift, when you have it, be careful to make sure it does not break, for it has no warranty, and at times can be hard to get another shot.

I leave you with this self thought:

"Stress is for silly people."

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